- adv. 只是,仅仅;刚才,刚刚;正好,恰好;实在;刚要
- adj. 公正的,合理的;正直的,正义的;正确的;公平的;应得的
- n. (Just)人名;(英)贾斯特;(法)朱斯特;(德、匈、波、捷、挪)尤斯特;(西)胡斯特
1、just- => just.
just 合法的,公平的,公正的
just 刚刚,恰好,正要来自just,公正的,正义的,引申词义准确的,精确的,最终引申副词词义仅仅,刚好,刚刚等。词义演变比较even,fair,very.
- just
- just: [14] Latin jūs originated in the terminology of religious cults, perhaps to begin with signifying something like ‘sacred formula’. By classical times, however, it denoted ‘right’, and particularly ‘legal right, law’, and it has provided English with a number of words connected with ‘rightness’ in general and with the process of law. The derived adjective jūstus has produced just and, by further derivation, justice [12] and justify [14].
The stem form jūr- has given injury, jury [14], objurgate [17], and perjury [14]. And combination with the element -dic- ‘say’ has produced judge, judicial, juridical, and jurisdiction. Not part of the same word family, however, is adjust [17], which comes ultimately from Vulgar Latin *adjuxtāre ‘put close to’, a compound verb based on Latin juxtā ‘close’ (whence English juxtaposition).
=> injury, judge, jury, objurgate, perjury - just (adj.)
- late 14c., "righteous in the eyes of God; upright, equitable, impartial; justifiable, reasonable," from Old French juste "just, righteous; sincere" (12c.), from Latin iustus "upright, equitable," from ius "right," especially "legal right, law," from Old Latin ious, perhaps literally "sacred formula," a word peculiar to Latin (not general Italic) that originated in the religious cults, from PIE root *yewes- "law" (cognates: Avestan yaozda- "make ritually pure;" see jurist). The more mundane Latin law-word lex covered specific laws as opposed to the body of laws. The noun meaning "righteous person or persons" is from late 14c.
- just (adv.)
- "merely, barely," 1660s, from Middle English sense of "exactly, precisely, punctually" (c. 1400), from just (adj.), and paralleling the adverbial use of French juste. Just-so story first attested 1902 in Kipling, from the expression just so "exactly that, in that very way" (1751).
- 1. If you're not satisfied with the life you're living, don't just complain. Do something about it.
- 对于现况的不满,不能只是抱怨,要有勇气作出改变。
来自金山词霸 每日一句
- 2. It was just then that I chanced to look round.
- 就在那时,我恰好环顾了下四周。
- 3. I don't see the point in it really. It's just stupid.
- 我真的不理解这到底有什么意义,简直是愚蠢透顶。
- 4. He could just about see the little man behind the counter.
- 他勉强能看到柜台后面的小个子男人。
- 5. He told some lies and sometimes just embroidered the truth.
- 他说了些谎,有时只是对事实添油加醋了一番。